Genealogical Evidence-based Writing, Organizational Brainstorming, and ChatGPT (OpenAI’s artificial intelligence)

In my SLIG 2023 class today in Evidenced-Based Writing (Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy), we were in a session on writing preparation and organization, so when we were given ten minutes to try an organizational exercise, I thought I'd see what ChatGPT could do in ten minutes. I've been working on a research project for … Continue reading Genealogical Evidence-based Writing, Organizational Brainstorming, and ChatGPT (OpenAI’s artificial intelligence)

Visualizing Complex Relationships: Working with Pedigree Collapse, Multiple Relationships, and Endogamy

[I took five genetic genealogy courses in 2022, most focused on endogamy, pedigree collapse, and multiple relationships. Nicole Dyer at Family Locket asked me to share something about that. This post focuses on visualizing complex relationships, such as multiple instances of pedigree collapse and multiple relationships in one DNA match (e.g., between two close cousins). … Continue reading Visualizing Complex Relationships: Working with Pedigree Collapse, Multiple Relationships, and Endogamy